
Nathalie Vanheule
born on 10-03-1980 in Poperinge, Belgium
lives and works in Kortrijk-Paris

tel +324 74 41 76 05


2002-2004: Master in 3D-design, with distinction, KASK Academy for Fine Arts, Ghent, Belgium
2000-2003: Teachers degree, with high distinction, Sint-Lucas, Ghent, Belgium
1998-2002: Master in Graphic Design, with high distinction, option experimental typography and illustration, Sint-Lucas Ghent, Belgium
1992-1998: Economics and mathematics, Lyceum O.L.V. Ter Nieuwe Plant, Ieper, Belgium

Solo Exhibitions / Solo Performances (selection)


2024: SANDPAPER AND MILK/ Diskus Aalst, curated by MJ FINE ARTS, Aalst (BE)

2023: FIRE IS FOR WINNERS / MUZE’UM L Roeselare ( BE)
2020: MILK MEDUSA / curator Larissa Friedrich, artspace HuMBASE, Stuttgart (DE)
2020: A NEW EMBRACE / Osan Museum Of Art, Osan (KR)
2017: HOW FAR CAN WE GO / Yoko Uhoda Gallery, Knokke (BE)
2015: LA LIBERTÉ CAPTURÉE N'EXISTE PAS / Lieux-Communs, Namur (BE)
2013: ONLY FREE BIRDS HAVE EYES / stART fotorama, Wevelgem (BE)
2010: SAVE YOUR SMILE FOR THE LAST HOUR / La Générale, Paris (FR)
2009: I WANT TO BE YOUR ANIMAL / La Générale, Paris (FR)
2008: DOES THE UNICORN EXIST? / In-Between gallery, Antwerp (BE)
2007: WE FAKE BEAUTY / Annie Gentils gallery, Antwerp (BE)
2006: SWEET NOTHING / Zebrastraat, Ghent (BE)
2005: ADDICTED TO ANIMALS / C.C. De Herbakker, Eeklo (BE)
2004: PAK MIJN PONY / Vooruit, Ghent (BE)

Artist in Residence (selection)

2023: Museum for Agriculture , curated by iodeposito / Farra d’ Isonzo (IT)
2022: B# Side the river, curated by iodeposito / Gradisca d’ Isonzo (IT)
2009: FLACC, Genk (BE)
2006: AIR ANTWERPEN, Antwerp (BE)

Group Exhibitions (selection)

205: WASTED : Groupshow Palazzo Costanzi Triëste with artworks by Beatrice Achille (IT), Zosia Zoltkowski (AUS) Holly Timpener (CAN),Andreja Kargacin (SRB), Marta Lodola (IT),Nathalie Vanheule (BE), Sarah Maple (UK), Dora Bassi (IT), Abigaïl Sia (FR), curated by Iodeposito, Sala U Veruda museum Palazzo Constanzi Trieste (IT)


2024: KORTRIJK ART WEEKEND: groupshow at Museum Broelkaai Kortrijk and at private artspace ARTCHURCH, Kortrijk (BE)

2024: DRIEKLANGDIMENSIONEN: performance during ART ANTWERPEN, curated by Priscilla Gils and Philip M.B. Lovric , Schaliënstraat 2-4 Antwerpen

2024: A NEW EMBRACE: performance during ART ANTWERPEN, curated by Priscilla Gils and Philip M.B. Lovric , Schaliënstraat 2-4 Antwerpen

2024: FAKE SAFE CHOICES: performance with Thibaud Dooms and Nathalie Vanheule at Pand00X Kortrijk (BE)

2024: AQUA IV - EFEMERE groupshow curated by Lieselot Vandecappelle, with Nienke Baeckelandt / Renato Nicolodi/ Nathalie Vanheule / Colin Waeghe / Nick Verhaeghe / Koen Deprez / Tony Matelli / Stefan Peeters / Hannelore Vandenbussche / Lara Gasparotto / Nils Verkaeren / Randoald Sabbe / Henk Somers / Raoul De Keyser / Fred Eerdekens / Frieke Janssens / Ellen Urselmann / Thibo Moreels / Marlies De Clerck / Enrico Donadello / Andreas Trenker, Aqualex Concept Store Knokke (BE)

2024: Il CAMMINO/ groupshow curated by An Schotte and Klaus verscheure with artworks of Renate Nicolodi, Levi van Veluw, Colin H. Van Eeeckhout, Koen Vanmechelen, Maryam Najd, Odilon Pain, Aaron Victor Peeters, Nathalie Vanheule, Marinda Vandenheede, Masbedo and Denys Shantar at  Sint Maartenskerk, Sint Michielskerk and Pand OOX, Blekersstraat 1 Kortrijk (BE)

2023: SLUSH / groupshow curated by Pony Attack and Pand 00X, with Krystel Geerts and Arthur Dufoor and Nathalie Vanheule Pand 00X Kortrijk (BE)

2023: ART FOR CHRISTMAS : groupshow curated by Maren Duflou and Roxane Baeyens with artists Delphine Cuelenaere, Brunhilde Broms, Denitsa Todorova, Elke Andreas Boon, Ellen Pil, Eva Vermeiren, Hilde Borgermans, Jonas Vanderbeke,Eliza Pepermans, Johannes Elebaut, Joost Pauweart, Kaat Pype, Kluger Hans, Marie Cloquet, Nina Vandenbempt, Robin Vermeersch, Sven Boel, Willem Boel, Wim Baes, Virginie Bailly, Vico Persson, Thomas Renwart, Krystel geerts, Lenny Vervaeke, Nathalie Vanheule at Ti-Pi Ghent ( BE)

2023: PERIPHERAL MEMORIES groupshow curated by Iodeposito with Peim van der Sloot, Boris Beja, Andreaj Kargacin, Alice Mestriner, Yilin Zhu, Laura Santamaria, Neja Tomsic and Nathalie Vanheule at MuCa Museum, Monfacone (IT)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              2023: AQUA IV - EFEMERE groupshow curated by Lieselot Vandecappelle, with Nienke Baeckelandt / Renato Nicolodi/ Nathalie Vanheule / Colin Waeghe / Nick Verhaeghe / Koen Deprez / Tony Matelli / Stefan Peeters / Hannelore Vandenbussche / Lara Gasparotto / Nils Verkaeren / Randoald Sabbe / Henk Somers / Raoul De Keyser / Fred Eerdekens / Frieke Janssens / Ellen Urselmann / Thibo Moreels / Marlies De Clerck / Enrico Donadello / Andreas Trenker, Aqualex Concept Store Knokke (BE)
2023: ARTTALK IN THE MUSEUM, curated by Iodeposito, Museum for Agriculture Farra’ d’ Isonzo (IT)
2023: FORT DE SAINT HERIBERT / curator Lieux Communs / Fort de Saint-Héribert Namur (BE)
2023: PIER PAOLO PASOLINI and DORA BASSI/ Curator Iodeposito with artists Dora Bassi, Zossia Zoltkowski, Nathalie Vanheule Quynh Lam and Boris Beja at Museum Casa Maccari Gradisca d ‘Isonzo (IT)

2022: ARTEDITIONS SMAK, artedition THE HAND+ performance curated by Philippe Leeman and Vrienden van het SMAK, artspace Vrienden van het SMAK, S. M. A. K. Ghent ( BE)
2022: ALL ARMS UNITED, performance inside the B#Side the river exhibition, curated by Iodeposito. Gradisca d’Isonzo (IT)
2022: B#SIDE THE RIVER/ curated by Iodeposito with Boris Beja, Lang Ea, Andreja Kargacin, Ingrid Ogenstedt, Peim van der Sloot, Holly Timpener Nathalie Vanheule, Gulhatun Yildirim, Marta Lodola,  museum Sala Xenia, Trieste (IT)
2022: B#SIDE THE RIVER, curated by Iodeposito with Lang Ea, Ingrid Ogenstedt, Nathalie Vanheule, Andreja Kargacin, Hiolly Timpener, Peim Van de Sloot, Boris Beja, Victoria Lucas, Gulhatun Yildirim, Marta Lodola in BUNKER Piazza Primo Maggio Udine (IT)
2022 : VRIJHEIDSFEEST groupshow curated by Axel Ronsse, with Nele Vancanneyt, Nathalie Vanheule, Jonas Vansteenkiste at Départ Kortrijk (BE)
2022: ART FOR CHRISTMAS, groupshow curated by Thomas Renwart and Femke Vandenbosch, with Bert De Geyter, Brunhilde Borms, Charles Degeyter, Elisa Maenhout, Eliza Pepermans, Ellen Meers, Ellen Pil, Elke-Andreas Boon, Like Cop, Ilse Van Roy, Janne Landuyt, Jonas Vanderbeke, Joost Pauwaert, Joëlle Dubois, Kaat Pype, Kasper Devos, Lenny Vervaeke, Liesbeth Hendericks, Lisa Ijeoma, Vico Persson, Marie Cloquet, Nathalie Vanheule, Nicola Van Acher, Nina Vandenbempt, Ricardo Brey, Sam Kerckaert en Eva Dobbels, Randoald Sabbe,SIlver Lening, Kluger Hans, Thomas Renwart, Toon Jan, Willem Boel en Wim Baes at Ti-Pi Ghent (BE)
2022 : THE MOST SUNNY HOUR OF YOUR NIGHT/ groupshow curated by Matthias Vico Persson with artist Shirly Villavicencio Pizango, Roméo Mivekannin,Nathalie Vanheule, Sepideh Farvadin, Thomas Renwart, Willem Boel, Antoine De Winter, Damien Poulain, Jan Laroy, Katrin Bremermann, Machteld Rullens, Marius Ritiu at Ti-Pi artspace Ghent (BE)
2022: ARTEDITIONS SMAK, artedition THE HAND+ performance curated by Philippe Leeman and Vrienden van het SMAK, artspace Vrienden van het SMAK, S. M. A. K. Ghent ( BE)
2022: B#SIDE THE RIVER, groupshow curated by Chiara Isadora Artico, and iodeposito with Ingrid Ogenstedt, Nathalie Vanheule, Andreja Kargacin, Holly Timpener, Peim Van de Sloot, Boris Beja, Victoria Lucas, Gulhatun Yildirim, Marta Lodola curated by Chiara Isadora Artico, museum Sala Xenia, Triëste (IT)
2022: ALL ARMS UNITED, B# side the river festival curated by iodeposito with artists Lang Ea, Ingrid Ogenstedt, Nathalie Vanheule, Andreja Kargacin, Holly Timpener, Peim Van de Sloot, Boris Beja, Victoria Lucas, Gulhatun Yildirim, Marta Lodola, Gradisca d’ Isonzo (IT)
2022: B#SIDE THE RIVER, groupshow curated by Chiara Isadora Artico, Lang Ea, Ingrid Ogenstedt, Nathalie Vanheule, Andreja Kargacin, Holly Timpener, Peim Van de Sloot, Boris Beja, Victoria Lucas, Gulhatun Yildirim, Marta Lodolaartspace BUNKER , Udine (IT)
2022 : THE MOST SUNNY HOUR OF YOUR NIGHT/ curated by TPTP with Shirly Villavicencio Pizango, Thomas Renwart, Willem Boel, Machteld Rullens, Marius Ritiu and Nathalie Vanheule,at TPTP artspace Ghent (BE)
2022: PAREIDOLIES- EN QUÊTE DE FORMES: groupshow with Antoine Dewinter, Cléo Totti, Nathalie Vanheule, Hedwig Brouckaert, curated by Justine Mathonet, Centre d’ art contemporrain de Wallonie, Flémalle (BE)
2022: TOGETHER APART, groups how with Elisia Poelman, Arthur Dufoor, Alice Vandeschoot, Dennis Ceylan at DISKUS Aalst (BE)

2021: MISSING AGENDA - BELOW ZERO-DAEGU PHOTO BIENNALE SOUTH KOREA / Biennale of Photography with Erwin Olaf, Marta Rosler, SHin San-Yong, Simon Norfolk, Melanie Bonajo, etc., Daegu Photo Biennale has established itself as the largest photography event in Korea where you can see the flow of contemporary photography art at a glance. Director: Kim Hyeongguk, exhibition will show the artworks at a variety of locations in Daegu, including the Daegu Art Center (S-KOR)
2021: NIEMAND IS EEN EILAND / curator Jan Moeyaert/ groupshow with: Louise Bourgeois, Stephan Balleux, Tracy Emin, Floris Boccanegra, Caroline Coolen, Neoza Goffin, Thomas Lerooy, Stanislas Lahaut, Joke Raes, William Ludwig Lutgens, Nina Van Denbempt, Jonas Vansteenkiste, Nils Verkaeren, Kathleen Vinck, Colin Waeghe, Guy Vording, Jonas Vansteenskiste, Stepahne Thidet, Nathalie Vanheule, stichting Ijsberg, DAMMME (BE)
2021: ETOFFES / curator Guy Malevez- Lieux Communs, Centre Touristique Laine & Mode, Verviers (BE)
2021: FRAGILE BRICKS / curator Frederik Van Laere, art in public space, group exhibition with Filip Dujardin, Gideon Kiefer, Goran Djurovic, Hans Vandekerckhove, Igor Van de Poel, Jonas Vansteenkiste, Steven Peters Caraballo and DD Trans, Bart Gielen, Tielt (BE)
2021: DANCE THE WORLD / curator KUNSTWERK, group exhibition with Marie-Jo Lafontaine and Kaori Ishiguro, Edegem (BE)
2021: AFTERHOURS / curator Mieke Janssens, group exhibition with Stanislas Lahaut, Flexboy&L.A., Joke Raes, Felix Fasolt and Peter Watershoot, Club 69, Gent (BE)
2021: SHIFT & DRIFT / extra muros BRUTHAUSGALLERY, group exhibition with Joëlle Dubois and Alice Vanderschoot, artspace DISKUS, Aalst (BE)

2020: ME, MYSELF AND I / Black Swan Gallery, group exhibition with Stief Desmet, Hans Vanderkerkhove, Laure Foret, Nathalie Vanheule, BLack Swan Gallery Brugge (BE)
2020: RÊVERIE / curator Isolde De Buck, museum Villa Les Zéphyrs, Westende (BE)
2020: WOMAN WOMAN WOMAN WOMAN / curator Kusuk Yon, Osan Museum Of Art, Osan Korea (S-KOR)
2020: MEDITATION IN CHAOS / curator Mara Hulspas, De Studio's Rotterdam, Rotterdam (NL)

2019: THE ROAD IS CLEAR / curator Björnus Van Der Borght, group exhibition with Liliane Vertessen, Christine Clincx, Stine Sampers, Stien Beeckaert, Margret Wibmer, Grace Ndritu, Marijke de Roover, Elke Andreas Boon, Nadia Naveau, Sandrine Deumier, Elisabeth Van Dam, Annelies Van Camp, Lise Harlev, Marie-Fleure Lefebre, Margarita Maximova,Nathalie Portnoy, Vicky Lema, Alice Vanderschoot, etc., In de Ruimte, Ghent (BE)
2019: VIDEOART & DA VINCI / Curator IoDeposito, Museum Palazzo Ghersiach, Villesse (IT)
2019: DUALITY / curator Georges Uhoda, group exhibition with Robert Devriendt, Jannis Kounellis, Robert Crumb, Asha Shechter, Ry Rocklen, Charles-Henry Sommelette, Gilberto Zorio and Tony Oursler, Galerie Baronian-Uhoda, Knokke (BE)
2019: SALON LALANGUE MUSEUM KOKSIJDE / curator Els Wuyts, art talk and small performance together with Margret Wibmer in a museum setting during the exhibition LIJF EN BEELD with Laure Forêt, Susanna Inglada, Athar Jaber, Enrique Marty, Stefan Papco, Peter Rogiers and Anne Wenzel, Museum Ten Bogaerde, Koksijkde (BE)
2019: SALON LALANGUE NEW YORK / performance and art talk with Margret Wibmer in the former art studio in Bushwick Brooklyn, invited by Al Attara, AL Attara Artstudio's, New York (US)
2019: MILK MEDUSA / performance with Odessa Lissia and Nathalie Vanheule, music by Benjamin Desmet and Stefanie Callebaut from SX, Safaristudio's, Kortrijk (BE)
2019: ALL GOOD THINGS / curator Mickael Karkousse, with Olga Mikh Federova, Pierre Ardouvin, Nathalie Vanheule, Safaristudio's, Kortrijk (BE)
2019: SALON LALANGUE BERLIN / performance and art talk together with Margret Wibmer in an artstudio setting hosted by Anne Kaminsky.Performance that shows the importance and connection of food, language and trust, inspired on tongues and fingers, Anne Kaminsky Artstudio, Berlin (DE)
2019: BIENNALE VAN BELGIE / curated by Sam Gunst, Robert Monchen and Bjornus Van Der Borght, in a concept of curatorial Collectives 019 / NADAR / Social Harmony / In De Ruimte / La Superette / Diesel project space / Forbidden City / with artists Guillaume Bijl, Olga Mikh Federova, Léo Gabin, Willem Boel, Joachim Coucke, Stien Bekaert, Conrad Willems, Stef Van Looveren, etc., Floraliënhal S.M.A.K., Ghent (BE)
2019: LE VOYAGE A XHIGNESS / curator Guy Malevez, the Roman Catholic Church Saint Pierre in Xhignesse (BE)
2019: SALON LALALANGUE AMSTERDAM / performance with Austrian artist Margret Wibmer, Artstudio Margret Wibmer, Amsterdam (NL)
2019: SHOW ME YOUR COLORS / curator Pony Attack,with Nele Van Canneyt and Dieter Van Caneghem, Atelier 2025, Kortrijk (BE)
2019: SALON LALALANGUE KÖLN/ performance with Austrian artist Margret Wibmer with artists, gallerists, writers and philosophers, studio Marion Scharmann, Köln (DE)

2018: RUINS / group exhibition curated by Chiara Isadora Artico for B#side festival, castle of Duino in Trieste (IT)
2018: INTERIEUR2018 / AKT a Kind tribute organised by AKT MAGAZINE, curator Piet Albert Goethals, Chapel Guldensporencollege, Kortrijk (BE)
2018: A MOMENT OF TRUST / CLUB SOLO BREDA (NL), curator Stefan Schröder, Club Solo Breda (NL)
2018 DAMN° Magazine, Press Booth INTERIEUR 2018 limited book La Langue (Nathalie Vanheule, Louise Mae and Fien Van Rostenberghe), invited by Siegrid Demyttenaere Kortrijk (BE)
2018: VANITAS / curators Chiara Isadora Artico and Emiliano Montermini and with the assistance of Gulia Bracco, with the artworks from Cosima Montavoci, Boris Béja, Angela Alexander Lloyd and Lorenzo I. Bordanaro, Sala Dogana Space for contemporary art, Palazzo Ducale, Genova (IT)
2018: IK ZIE NIETS. IK ZIE ALLES / duoshow Nathalie Vanheule and Rachel Monosov, ivitated by art collectors at De Patria, Kortrijk (BE)
2018: VANITAS / FROM DUST TILL DUST/ group exhibition curated by Chiara Isadora Artico for B#side festival, exhibition, B#Side Gallery Space for contemporary art, Treviso (IT)

2017: IN CHAMPION / curator Lieux-Communs with artists Pascal Marthine Tayou, Karen Vermeeren, Kathleen Vinck, Elodie Wysocki, Roan Graeffly, Tinka Pittoors, art in public space, Champion (BE)
2017: RE-ART2 / curator Julie Senden, with artists Kris Martin, Kasper Bosmans, Decordier Louis, Stefaan Dheedene, Rein Dufait, Stanislas Lahaut, Bart Lodewijks, Muller Van Severen, Oushoorn Gauthier, Gert Robijns, Mathieu Ronsse, Helmut Stallaerts, Joris Van de Moortel and Emmanuel Vanderauwera, Zaventematerliers, Zaventem (BE)
2017: LUXEMBOURG ART WEEK / Yoko Uhoda Gallery, art fair Luxembourg Art Week, Luxembourg (L)
2017: TWINS / curator Jean-Marie Bytebier, group exhibition with Jean-Marie Bytebier, Tinka Pittoors, Catharina Dhaen, Michèle Matyn, Wim Wauman, Lore Rabaut and Maria Degreve, De Wasserij, Lokeren (BE)
2017: LIBERTY / curator Georges Uhoda, group exhibition with Gilbert&George, Jacques Charlier, Johan Muyle, Tony Oursler, Sarah&Charles, Bernd Zimmer, Almond Chu, Joseph Marioni, Charlotte Beaudry and Jacky Tsai, Yoko Uhoda Gallery, Knokke (BE)
2017: ORGANIC MEMORY / group exhibition organised by Iodeposito, TRA and Venice Biennale Foundation, with Boris Beja, curated by Veronica Pesce, in organisation by Iodeposito, Museum Ca' dei Ricchi Palace, Treviso, Venice (IT)
2017: VANITAS / art talk and video projection during preview documenta 14 for Der Kulturkiosk, Kassel (DE)
2017: WHO ELSE / group exhibition with Almond Chu, Pierre Ardouvin, Johan Muyle,, John Franzen, Marc Angeli, Jacky Tsai, Djos Janssens, Charlotte Marchand, Thierry Falisse and Fouad Bouchoucha, Yoko Uhoda Gallery, Knokke (BE)
2017: MEMORY AS A LIVING MATTER / curator Elisa Torchio for B#SIDE, with artists Man Ray, Boris Beja, Cosima Montavoci, Claudio Beorchia, Ana Mrovlje, Museum for contemporary art, Umberto Veruda Palace, Trieste (IT)
2017: EXPANDED VIDEO / curator Dany Deprez, group exhibition with Matthieu Ronsse, Fien Muller and Hannes Van Severen, SPHINX Cinema, Ghent (BE)
2017: TRANSRUPTIE / group exhibition with Femmy Otten, Jan Van Oost, Fia Cielen and Costas Sinodis, curator Els Wuyts, Black Swan gallery, Brugge (BE)
2017: EMBODIED MEMORY / curator Elisa Torchio for B#SIDE, group exhibition with Boris Beja, Cosima Montavoci,Ting Bao, Victoria Lucas, Vanessa Gageos, Anne O’ Callaghan, Ana Mrovlje, Nikolas Vamvakoulis, VILLA MANIN museum for contemporary art (IT)
2017: NAGT / curator Amélie Neirynck, Culturel Center for Art, Knokke (BE)
2017: B#SIDE VideoArtDay - Toronto / curator Chiara Isadora Artico for B#SIDE, group exhibition with Anne O’Callaghan, Victoria Lucas, Estabrak Al Ansari and Arja Karkkainen, Museum Toronto, Ontario (CAN)
2017: KEEP DRAWING. BE HAPPY / group exhibition with Pierre Ardouvin, Ricardo Brey, Xavier Mary, Charlotte Beaudry, Johan Muyle, Yoko Uhoda Gallery, Luik (BE)
2017: VIDEOARTNIGHT / curator Chiara Isadora Artico, group exhibition with Anne O’Callaghan, Victoria Lucas, Estabrak Al Ansari, Marina Abramovic, Arja Karkkainen, curated by Iodeposito, Trasimeno Square, Museum Villa Borghese and Villa Torlonia, Rome (IT)
2017: OUI KNOKKE/JA KNOKKE / curator Georges Uhoda, group exhibition with Pierre Ardouvin, Joachim Coucke, John Franzen, Johan Muyle, Charlotte Beaudry, Frédéric Platéus and Almond Chu, Yoko Uhoda Gallery, Knokke (BE)

2016: LE JOUR LE PLUS COURT / curator Georges Uhoda, group exhibition with Almond Chu, Robert Devriendt and Mark Melvin, Yoko Uhoda Gallery, Liège (BE)
2016: THE STARTING POINT / curator Chiara Isadora Artico for B#side war project, performance at the highest rooftop in Venice with performer Astrid Haerens, Molino Stucky, Venice (IT)
2016: LANDS OF MEMORY / curated by iodiposito for B# Side War Festival with Victoria Lucas, Claudio Beorchia, Jane Glynn, Gordon Belray, Cosima Montavoci and Luca Terenzi, Battlefield Museum Vittoria, Veneto (IT)
2016: VANITAS/TICKET TO PARADISE / curator Chiara Isadora Artico, performance in collaboration with the artist Joshua Cesa, for B#side war project, galleria Bombi, Gorizia (IT)
2016: WE KNOW THE EXISTENCE/WE DON'T KNOW THE NON EXISTENCE / lecture on 'Vanitas Extended' and performance and video installation with Roderik Six and Annelies A.A. Van Belle, Flanders Fields Museum, Ypres (BE)
2016 EN FLAMME / curator Pony Attack, with Hannelore Van Dijck, Joris Van de Moortele, Stefan Peters, Philippe Van Wolputte, Joachim Coucke, Christof Zwiener and Bianca Bondi, FIRMA, Vilvoorde (BE)
2016: VIDEO ART & INSTALLATION/KINDS OF MEMORY / Female artists and the ‘900 conflicts', curator Chiara Isadora Artico for B#side war project, group exhibition with Vanessa Gageos, Victoria Lucas, on the roof of the historical building Molino Stucky, Venice (IT)
2016: EXHIBITION OF CONTEMPORARY ART PHYSIS & TÉKHNE / group exhibition with O Yemi Tubi, Cosima Montavoci, Anastasia Vepreva, John Atkins, Linda Duvall, Victoria Lucas, Vanessa Gageos, Daniel Wechsler and Sarawut Chutiwongpeti, Società Cormonese Austria Gallery, Cormons (IT)
2016: HAPPENING IN PERFECT CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE 100 YEARS SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THE SIXTH ISONZO BATTLE / curator Chiara Isadora Artico, B#side war project/ 'Vanitas', gallery Bombi, Gorizia (IT)
2016: KVDM / curator Isolde De Buck, group exhibition with Stefan Peters, Hedwig Brouckaert, Sofya Demskaya, Samuel Vanderveken, Colin Waeghe, etc., Arts Platform Zebrastraat, Ghent(BE)
2016: FEMALE VIDEO ARTISTS AND THE WAR - CONTEMPORARY LEGACIES OF THE ‘900 WARS AND THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN PRESERVING THE COMMON MEMORY / curator Chiara Isadora Artico for B#side war project, group exhibition with Marina Abramovic, Vanessa Gageos, Victoria Lucas, Estabrak Al Ansari, Anne O ‘Callagan, Zattere Cultural Flow Zone, Venice (IT)
2016: ESPECES D'ESPACES / curator Lieux-communs, group exhibition with Jacques Charlier, Michel François, Florian Kiniques, Stephanie Roland and Audrey Frugier, Centre for Art and Culture, Abattoirs de Bomel, Namur (BE)

2015: ALLER ANFANG IST SCHWER / solo presentation in the studio from Insérez Le Nom, Bercy Paris (FR)
2015: BURNING BOOK PERFORMANCE / Burning the cover from the book 'Vanitas Extended' in a invited lecture and presentation from the book Vanitas Extended at LUCA, School of Arts Ghent, at Art Brussels and at La Libraire de Palais de Tokyo, Paris (FR)
2015: THE COLOR OF WATER AND TEAR / solo presentation at the Texture Museum, in the theme of the group show FLUX and Verleiding, Texture Museum Kortrijk (BE)
2015: VANITAS EXTENDED / exhibition in the inner city and musea in Ypres, with Stephan Balleux, Christof Zwiener, Bernd Trasberger, Christopher Holloran, Oscar Peters, Cindy Wright, Ruben Bellinkx, Tinka Pittoors, Colin H. Eeckhout, Marie Cloquet, Joris Van de Moortel, Flanders Fields Museum, the Cathedral, the Stedelijk Museum, the Godshuis Belle Museum and C.C. Het Perron in Ypres (BE)
2015: OCCUPIED EMOTIONS / curator Pony Attack, group exhibition with Ruben Bellinkx, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Nadia Naveau, Christine Clinxks, PeterKristinn, Liesbet Waegemans, Sofie Muller, Nathalie Vanheule, Elke Andreas Boon, Julie Chovin, Arnika Mull, Nina Lassila, Julie Scheurweghs, Athos Burez and Silvia B., Broelmuseum, Kortrijk (BE)
2015: THE BIG EMBRACE / performance 'Under 100 year old fruit trees from my ancestors', Zuidschote (BE)
2015: THE COLOR OF WATER AND TEARS / performance with a water solvable tutu worn by ballerina Silke Delrue, Texture Museum, Kortrijk (BE)
2015: THE EMBRACE / performance in collaboration with Peter Sattler, Broelmuseum, Kortrijk (BE)
2015: TICKET TO PARADISE-PARIS / performance with Bryndis in a in timid setting in a private Paris apartment with actors and dancers of the opera in Paris (FR)
2015: TICKET TO PARADISE-LONDON / performance with Kathrin Lodes in a secret setting in a private London apartment with designers for Vivienne Westwood, London (UK)

2014: CAPITA SELECTA / curated by Jan Leysen and Monia Warnez, group exhibition with Balthasar Burkhard, Carl Johan Högberg, Matthieu Ronsse, Simona Denicolai, Ivo Provoost, Leigh Ledare, Anthony Goicolea, Joris Van de Moortel, Birgit Brenner, Tatjana Gerhard, Jef Geys, Peter Buggenhout, Thorsten Brinkmann, Stephan Balleux, Brendan Lynch and Sascha Weidner, Broelmuseum, Kortrijk (BE)
2014: PARC-ours PARKunst / curator Guy Malevez, exhibition in public space in Woluwepark, Sint-Pieters Woluwe (BE)
2014: TICKET TO PARADISE / curator Guy Malevez, performance in public space in Woluwepark, performers: Gill Van Eeckhout, Liesbet Waegemans and Nathalie Vanheule, Sint-Pieters Woluwe (BE)

2013: DE BEPERKING VAN HET GETAL KINDERS / curator Tom Nys, group exhibition with Barry Camps, Alexandra Crouwers, Lieven Segers, Thierry Mortier, Pieterjan Ginckels, Anne-Mie Vankerckhoven, Colin Waeghe, Tinka Pittoors and Lotte Veuchen, LOkAAL 01, Antwerp (BE)
2013: TRIENNALE OF SCULPTURE / Campo&Campo, with Jan Fabre and Vic Gentils, Antwerp (BE)

2012: A BURNT OUT CASE / curator Tom Nys, museum NGBK, Berlin (DE)
2012: E.E.A DECENIUM / installation in group exhibition, Am Flutgraben artspace, Berlin (DE)
2012: ONLY ROOM FOR HEROES / performance with Janneke Raaphorst, for E.E.A.; Am Flutgraben, Berlin (DE)

2011: PARADISE LOST PARADISE / curator Pony Attack, group exhibition with Honoré d'O, Melanie Bonajo, Bernd Trasberger, Frederik Heyman, Nadia Naveau, Athena Llewellynn, Janneke Raaphorst, Joszeph Marzolla, Barbara Amelie Skovmand Thomsen, Jonas Vansteenkiste, Stephan Balleux and Alexandra Crouwers, public space, Kortrijk (BE)

2010: BIENNALE OF PAINTING MDD, BEYOND THE SUBLIME / Museum Dhondt Dhaenens, Deurle (BE)
2010: FASHIONCLASH / installation at the Timmerfabriek, Maastricht (NL)
2010: FLOPPELGANGERS / curated by NOVGORODS & E.E.A., group exhibition with Avi Krispin, Jack Piers Scott, Sakari Tervo, Philip Tonda Heide and Christopher Holloran, Leeds (UK)
2010: APPOCALYPSE TWINS / performance on live music for music band SX, in secondroom and in Flying Saucers are Real, Antwerp (BE)
2010: SAVE YOUR SMILE FOR THE LAST HOUR / performance for BIENNALE MDD, BEYOND THE SUBLIME, Museum Dhondt Dhaenens, Deurle (BE)
2010: ARMY OF ANGELS / performance Novogorods and E.E.A., Leeds (UK)
2010: SAVE YOUR SMILE / performance at la Générale, Paris (FR)

2009: BELLE EPOQUE / for EUROPALIA, group exhibition with Lore Vanelslande, Ronny Delrue, Maleonn, Huang Ling, Jiang Weitao, Zhang Yaxin and Wang Qin, Belgium Consulate Shanghai (CN)
2009: ADEMLOOS / curator FlOR BEX, auction and expo at Bernaerts Antwerp, with Fred Bervoets, Guillaume Bijl, Michaël Borremans, Hedwig Brouckaert, Koen Broucke, Mil Ceulemans, Christine Clinckx, Anton Cotteleer, Kris Fierens, Joris Ghekiere, Karin Hanssen, Kati Heck, Jan Kempenaers, Stéphanie Leblon, Charlotte Lybeer, Wesley Meuris, Sofie Muller, Ria Pacquee, Tinka Pittoors, Pjeroo Roobjee, William Sweetlove, Johan Tahon, Luc Tuymans, Rinus Van De Velde, Johan Van Geluwe, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Els Vanden Meersch, Pieter Vermeersch, Kris Vleeschouwer and Cindy Wright, M HKA Museum for contemporary Art, Antwerp (BE)
2009: FASHIONCLASH / curator Branco Popovic, Timmerfabriek, Maastricht (NL)
2009: LOVING YOU IS EASY / group exhibition with Karen Vermeren, Janneke Raaphorst, Kati Lagast, Kim Rikken and Inga Cholmogorova, Stadsvisioenen, Mechelen (BE)
2009: CRUEL INTENTIONS / curator Pony Attack, with Rachel Agnew, Cindy Wright, Happy famous artists, Nadia Naveau, Filip Vervaet and Ruben Kindermans, Broelmuseum, Kortrijk (BE)

2008: PLAY TIME / curator Pony Attack, group exhibition with Anneke Eussen, Frederik Heyman, Rachel Agnew, Bart Van Dijck and Léopoldine Roux, De Zaal, Ghent (BE)
2008: A PUZZLED WORLD, curator Catherine Baelde, art in public, Kortrijk (BE)

2007: FASHION-SCHOOT / Fashion Museum, Hasselt (BE)
2007: DESOLATED ANGELS / curator Bernd Transberger, group exhibition with Sarah Charles, Cluster Gallery, Berlin (DUI)
2007: REWIND & REPEAT / with Karen Vermeren, Budabox, Kortrijk (BE)
2007: ART COLOGNE / with Kati Heck and H.F.A., Gallery Annie Gentils, Keulen (DE)
2007: PULSE SHOW NY / with Kati Heck, Gallery Annie Gentils, New York (US)
2007: 25 JAAR DE VOORUIT VIERT FEEST / with Mauro Pawlowski, Wim Vandekeybus, Gerda Dendooven, Gabriel Rios, Arne Sierens, Compagnie Cecilia, Dirk Roofthooft, Josse De Pauw, Bent Van Looy, The Bony King of Nowhere, Lawrence Malstaf and Dolores Bouckaert, Vooruit, Ghent (BE)
2007: SEARCH FOR YOUR VALUE AND COLOUR / performance, Annie Gentils gallery, Antwerp (BE)
2007: DIGGING FOR GORDON / performance by Danny Devos and music by Mauro Pawlowski, Antwerp (BE)

2006: SWEET TERROR / curator Mauro Pawloski and Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven, group exhibition with Michael Dans, Angnes Geoffray, Barbara Breitenfellner, Jurgen Ots and Douglas Kirk, AIR Antwerp (BE)
2006: TERRORKID FOR TERRORKIDS / with Karen Vermeren and Lotte Huyghe, Budabox, Kortrijk (BE)

2005: EAU REVOIR / curator Heidi Ballet, Ithaka STUK, Leuven (BE)
2005: CHINA IDOL / performance in a public subway, Ghent (BE)
2005: FOUR WHITE BLANKETS / performance with Janneke Raaphorst, Vondelpark, Amsterdam (NL)
2005: GIFTS FOR FREE / 'Voix Gras' performance with Doleres Bouckaert, STUK Leuven (BE)

2004: S.M.A.K. COMING PEOPLE 04 / with Vadim Vosters and Jon Waterschoot, S.M.A.K. Museum of Contemporary Art, Ghent (BE)
2004: THE HEMPTINE, Ghent (BE)
2004: THIS STREET IS MINE / Performance with Janneke Raaphorst and Peter Pezzamenti, Fifth Avenue, New York (US)
2004: TAKE MY PONY / performance at festival Encounter BRNO, (TCH)
2004: APPLAUSE PERFORMANCE / performance in a secret electro ping-pong bar Berlin (DE)
2004: VERTEKEN ME / performance at the MUSEUM FOR FINE ARTS, Ghent (BE)

2003: KINDERSURPRISE / in Beelitz-Heilstatten, Berlin (DUI)
2003: WARRIORS OF BEELITZ / the Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam (NL)
2003: AUX TALON / curator Guy Bovyn, gallery Kunst-Zicht, Ghent (BE)
2003-2004: I CALL U CAKE / series of performances in personal places in Ghent, Brussels, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Berlin and New York City
2003: GRAND TOUR / with Ben Benaouisse, Elke Andreas Boon, Peter Buggenhout, Stijn Cole, Louis Decordier, Stefaan Dheedene, Nick Ervinck, Honoré d'O, Job Koelewijn, Kris Martin, Karl Mechnig, Fien Muller, Steve Schepens, Johan Tahon, Ignace Van Ingelgom, Erlend van Landeghem, Bent van Looy, Hannes Van Severen, Pieter Vermeersch and Vadim Vosters, MSK Museum for Fine Arts, Ghent (BE)
2003: OORLOG IS GEEN KUNST, curator Steven Heene, group exhibition with Johan Grymonprez, An Pierlé, Peter Vermeersch, Tom Barman, Marijke Pinoye, Needcompany, Anna Luyten, Nic Balthazar, Stefan Hertmans, Elke Andreas Boon, Nathalie Vanheule, Ben Benaouisse and Johan Dehollander, Vooruit Arts and Music centre, Ghent (BE)